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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ms. MFN's Corner: Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater

Welcome to 2010 realism, where no one gives a care in the world about the meaning of a relationship. And when I mean no one I really mean NO ONE. We all know about the celebrities who find adultery cool and infidelity effortless and we also have friends who are currently in painful relationships getting cheated on or who are partaking in cheating ways. This is partly the reason why I believe this is not the season to fall in love, and why I am comfortable on my Singledom Throne. While on my wonderful journey of Singledom, I do live by standards and morals and there are certain things that I just would NOT do under any type of circumstance. I have hit that bump in the road, however. One thing I vowed I never would do has reared its ugly head and my angel and devil has appeared for their first appearance upon my shoulders. Living my life of a single young lady, one of my vows is to never become the assistant in infidelity…well folks, the dilemma of a taken man has presented itself to me.

Something I do NOT condone is cheating. I will not help facilitate cheating matters. I have never, and will never be called the ‘side girl.’ I have the world’s worst guilty conscience and am a very strong believer in karma. Plus I know how it feels to be the naïve girlfriend and I would never wish such hurtful heartache on anyone.

But then came the co-worker. A simple joke turned into countless hypothetical situation conversations. You know the “What ifs…” and the “If I did this, would you do that…” convos. We started playing games to “make the work day go by.” Games like This or That (Kitchen or Bedroom?) and Fill in the Blank (The color of your thongs today are ____). I justified my actions as not wrong because I wasn’t the one doing the asking. Figured since he was asking me the questions, I would feel less guilty & blame couldn’t be put on me. But the more the conversations lasted, the more my mind wondered and I knew if my mind was wondering, his mind was wondering. I eventually let him know that these conversations have to be nipped before I throw morals out the window & tell him meet me at my place after work (almost tempted on a number of different occasions).

But this is not the reason behind this post. I have a deeper question then what is right or wrong. My co-worker seems to believe these conversations we were having, and the thoughts that he is having, and the occasional touching…is NOT categorized in the cheating category. Now please…let us dwell on this.

Cheating implies the breaking of rules. When you decide that you want to be exclusive to one person and announce to the world that you are taken, there are certain things that you cannot do. Telling someone what you would do to them if they had the opportunity on a constant basis, in my book, is cheating. It is only the beginning of a downhill battle. Conversation leads to curiosity. Curiosity leads to happy hour dates after work. Happy hour dates leads to ‘Oh no! I had 1 too many drinks!’ And we all know what happens after alcohol is added to the equation. If you do not want your significant other know what we talk about at work, then the conversations need not be had and I dub you a cheater.

But when do you really cross that line into cheating? Is it okay to have thoughts about being with someone else? Is it okay to tell that person ‘hey…one day I’d like to have sex with you?’ Or does cheating not come into play until the actual act is in play?

Either way, this is the #1 reason why I am sitting mighty high and pretty on my Singledom Throne. ‘Relationship’ is clearly just a fickled word that is thrown around just because people want to say they belong to someone. When they start to grow that old meaning back, you know…the Bill and Claire Huxtable type love/relationship…someone let me know. I’ll put myself back on the market. Maybe.

-Ms. Mfn {that's MUFFIN to you}

Thursday, September 16, 2010

So I did it....

I made that move! Myles and I now live in Tobaccoville, NC with my aunt and cousin. We Skyped my mom this morning, and she was happy that she was able to get everything straight and situated with it before we left yesterday.

Of course, I've moved to a place where I don't know anybody, but my cousin goes to school not even 25 minutes down the highway so I'll have him to entertain me when he's not super busy!

Anywho, I just wanted to blog about my "big" move!! Happy Thursday everybody


SN:: I really feel some kind of way & it's a good feeling!! People may call me dumb, but I'll wait as long as I need to

Monday, September 13, 2010

Lyrics of My Life Right Now......

Bring Me Flowers

I haven't got a clue if you're the one.
But i like you.
And ohh i like how you make me feel.
I want to do this right.
Don't want to waste this night.
But, im drowning.
Drowning in your love.
Bring me flowers and talk for hours.
And ohh i like you,
And ohh i like how you make me feel.
Kiss my face,
Your warm imbrace.
And ohh i like you,
And ohh i like how you make me feel.
Im a little scared to hold you close.
Cause i just might never ever let you go.
Caught up in your smile,
Im happy as a child.
But im still drowning, drowning in your love.
Bring me flowers and talk for hours.
And ohh i like you,
And ohh i like how you make me feel.
Kiss my face,
Your warm imbrace.
And ohh i like you,
And ohh i like how you make me feel.
Your heart cares for nothing, everytime.
And im just takin', takin' you in.
Caught up in your smile,
Im happy as a child.
But im still drowning, drowning in your love.
Bring me flowers and talk for hours.
And ohh i like you,
And ohh i like how you make me feel.
Kiss my face,
Your warm imbrace.
And ohh i like you,
And ohh i like how you make me feel.
Bring me flowers and talk for hours.
And ohh i like you,
And ohh i like how you make me feel.
Close my eyes and dream for miles.
And ohh i like you,
And ohh i like how you make me feel.
Bring me flowers and talk for hours.
And ohh i like you,
And ohh i like how you make me feel.
Kiss my face,
Your warm imbrace.
And ohh i like you,
And ohh i like how you make me feel.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

September Already?!?

SoD x2:: Listen - Beyonce;; Wake Me Up When September Ends-American Idiot

I can't believe that it's already September, before I know it I'll be planning a birthday party for my main man! He'll be 1 in January!

So what's been going on in my life?? A lot, so to say. Last year, as some of you may know my mom got really sick, was in critical condition, and for the entire latter portion of the year was basically home bound w/nurses coming to visit & basically reteaching the bottom half of her body how to work again after two major surgeries. Well in July 09, I was interviewed @ Methodist University [for a position that I would eventually get offered, yet because of my honesty (being pregnant) was taken away before it was officially given to me] I met some pretty cool dudes & the ones that had significant others at the time, I was able to met them as well. Well one of these dudes is pretty awesome and he's back on the market.......I'll just leave it at that :)

BUT, Myles has been with his dad all week & last night I broke down because I miss my little booger. It's so quiet without him around here making noise & trying to pull down plants, or crawl around and down the hall to see where my mom & I are and what we're doing. I really do appreciate the fact that he's able to have somebody to go with while I pack up or things this week & prepare for this move to NC!!

Soooo excited about this move, for so many reasons. God has allowed us to be able to move w/o having to worry about paying rent or any major bills. We are moving in with my mom's sister & her son. He's so excited to have Myles come live with him. He often says he is going to teach Myles everything he knows! He's 10 years old and is very smart, I'm happy that Myles is going to have another boy around him that he'll be able to spend a portion of his life close to him. Myles really does love his big cousins & looks up to them already (literally, too!) I'm so excited about the things that are going to be happening this month....I have faith!

On a different note, this year will be the 9th Anniversary of the September 11th attacks. Time really does fly doesn't it?? I still remember where I was when I heard the news, freshman in high school, just finishing lunch, going to 5th period. My English teacher, Ms. Biddle, who's is just a ray of sunshine, had a serious look on her face when we'd gotten in the classroom. She informed us of what had gone on then we went on with the lesson plan for the day ending a bit early so we could listen to the radio. I personally think that hero isn't the right word for those that not only sacrificed their lives on that day, but also those whose lives were taken. Hero is more of an understatement, a word that fills the blank.....but if I could think of a "better" word to describe them all, it would definitely go right there.

These next few weeks will be busy, so I don't know when I'll be able to blog again. I'm supposed to be moving September 11, but some things have come up, so who knows if that'll still be my moving date. ANYWHO, love conquers all......remember that!
