....I don't think I'm going to blog about celebs anymore. I may have a little snippett of something that's going on but I don't think I wanna do that. Why? Too many people are already doing it, plus not too many people read my blog soooo what's the point??
I'm going to blog about my life & the people in it. I'll try to get back on daily, but as I'd stated before, times are hard & I REALLY need to find a job...for me & so I can continue supporting my baby boo :)
Before I go on an issue we should all know about, I just wanted to say you don't have to have a lot of friends to have fun. I have a good handfull of friends and when we get together & party, we have a lot more fun and a lot less drama then the million girl march friendships have.....the pic I posted was from last night. We partied at Hi5 (in Raleigh, NC) and had too much fun!! Now on to what is on my chest....
A SOCIAL NETWORK is just that....nothing more nothing less. So many people get caught up in the world of Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and all of the other millions of networks out there. I don't understand why people try and get really crunk nasty online, but are the total opposite in person. Be who you are NO MATTER WHAT, be it internet or personally. Ugh! I just wanted to get that off of my chest because no matter what at the end of the day all you have is you. I just witnessed one of my really good friends go through some twitter bs that ended up off of twitter for no reason.
If you know me, I'm a go hard or go home kind of person. If I have something to say, I'll say it to you personally, then put it out there that I've told you (if I feel it's something that can be put out there). No need in faking the funk. It will get you NOWHERE in life. I mean maybe my opinions are out there and I may sound like I'm insensative, but it's me. Hate it or love it. At the end of the day, those who are there for me are there for me and I have my son with me as well.
Onto something else, I can't believe that it's almost been a year since the death of Micheal Jackson & Farrah Faucette. (sorry if I spelled it wrong) What a difference a year makes. We've also lost Gary Colemen and Rue McClanahan....sad days for us who have grown up watching reruns of Diff'rent Strokes & Golden Girls.
This time last year I was in Jersey preparing to come home from a wonderful pre-birthday weekend in New York with some of my best friends. Couldn't do much b/c I had my little bun in the oven, but a year later I must say his father and I have had some issues, but overall, couldn't be more greatful to have a man who loves his son and will put almost anything to the side for him.
(SN:: There was just a fire in the apartment complex, so I was just gone for what seemed like forever!!! Thank God for the men & women who risk their lives with any type of dangerous job)
Right now, I'm watching the American Dream: The Jackson 5 Story, I love it to death!!
So maybe I'll come back later, maybe I won't!
I really want to blog while I'm in Atlanta for my birthday b/c I'm sure that I'll have PLENTY to blog about! Hopefully I'll be partying with the celebs like I did the last time I was in Atlanta :)
Anywho, Happy Father's Day to all of the fathers out there who take care of their kids (and the mothers who have double duty as well)
God Bless you all (I know he's truly blessed me!!!)
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