Happy Friday y'all!!
Today's SoD:: Tardy for the Party-Kim Z from RHoA (Real Housewives of ATL)
News from the 804::
James Poole (known as JJ) was found shot to death last night in a playground....here's a clip from a local news station featuring his mother's plea to find his killer
If you're from the area, or not and know anything about this homicide, PLEASE help out! Call Crime Solvers with ANY tips//leads you may have.
Also, Lt. Governor Bolling is back from Italy after being stuck overseas due to the volcanic ash cloud hovering a good portion of Europe.....I really could care less though (that's just me)
**That's all for local news but I'm about to go on a little rant about some things that have been going on nationally**
First off, I don't believe in abortions. Point blank.
With that being said, I hate to see selfish women who are going around just having sex and whoring around with whatever and whomever they want, without using protection. If you know that you're going to be a whore, USE PROTECTION. I mean I hate seeing cases where children are neglected and/or killed because of the fact that they have either been abused or they are with somebody who doesn't care about them. It hurts me so bad. There are so many women in the world that go through adoption because they aren't capable of having children of their own. So if there is a woman out there who knows she won't be capable of taking care of a child, just give it up for adoption.
I know it would be better for you both.
Second, what's up with all of this bullying and sexual assault going on in middle schools and high schools? I'm not that much older than the kids that are dealing with this stuff now, but really though it's just crazy.
One of my good friends from college recently sent me a text saying that her little sister, who is in high school, got jumped by a group of girls and she was also sexually assaulted. This wasn't the first time it had happened to her at this school either. If it was me, I would've been really pissed off if the same group of kids has attacked my child more than once. I'd be trying to get them expelled, really. I mean think about how these types of things makes the kids feel. The little girl who not too long ago committed suicide because of the fact that the bullying from her peers had gotten out of control.....IT'S SAD AND SHOULDN'T BE HAPPENING.
But I also blame the parents. Why? Because there has to be something that they aren't doing which is causing these kids to come to school and feel like they need to be dominant in some type of way. Usually when a kid is bullied, the bully is lacking something.....so I'd also advise that the school would make these kids that are bullying go to some type of counseling b/c this just isn't right!! If it was my kid, I'd be one pissed off parent.....and you REALLY wouldn't like me pissed off about something dealing with my child.
*steps off of my soap box*
I want to share this with y'all cuz I just bout died when I saw this::
Why they have to repeat it in slow mo though?!? TOO MUCH!!!
Anywho, I don't have too much more to say.....it's after 9 PM on a Friday....
I'll try and blog this weekend, but if I don't, y'all be safe!!