First off, my SoD song of the day* is Earth by Suzy Q (an old local artist)
Today is Earth Day, if you didn't know!
So in today's world, first starting locally *8o4*::
With this first one, all I could do was laugh, ask why, then keep it rolling for real....so VA, the same place where Governor McDonnell has declared April the Statewide Confederate Month, has decided to make a person get a new licence plate because it refers to Hitler in a secret way.....the Department of Motor Vehicles made the TAXPAYER change the license plate from stating "14CV88". The 14 represents the number of words in a white supremacist credo, CV stands for The Sons of Confederate Veterans and the 88 refers to Hitler, being that H is the 8th letter of the alphabet and "Heil Hitler" begins with 2 H's.
Now any other day I'd be upset with this but with the way things are going in Virginia, who could give 2 hot ham sandwiches what somebody has written on a license plate??? Really though, I see a lot of things on a daily basis that I could take offense to but I choose not to. As I stated before, the GOVERNOR of VA has declared April the month of Confederacy, at first leaving out anything about the slaves or other people who had anything to do with Confederates. I think it's so sad we take one step forward and 50 back.....we're NEVER going to get anywhere in life with such ignorance! Clearly, this license plate was something that the owner of the car cared about enough to put on their car, they should have the right to do whatever. Not saying I agree with what it stands for, but think about it, that's like me putting my son's name on the back of a car but a woman may have been molested, abused, etc by someone with the name Myles and so she complains to DMV because she constantly sees my license plate. I'd be really pissed if I had to change it because of the fact that SHE is uncomfortable with it. I personally don't think it's right or fair, but what is these days right??
Also, a little over a month ago Pastor Anthony Taylor was killed when his vehicle was hit by a man, Darryl Harris, who was being pursued by the police. Harris is being charged with second degree murder, but there are no charges dealing with his running from the police, do you think that there should be?
**New Video Alert**
Holla At Me-Chris Brown & Tyga
(I was beginning to wonder what happened to Tyga)
Now on to my responses to celeb gossip goin on::
Vivica Fox will have her own line of wigs coming out soon....The Vivica Fox Hair Collection is the name of the line.....so original
Both Will Smith && Tommy Lee Jones have committed to being in the Men in Black 3.....it's sort of late for a third installment of this movie!! To me anyways.....
This isn't new, but if people were really surprised when Ricky Martin came "out", they need to check their gaydar, he was SO two snaps and a shake.....seriously!
Producer Jim Jonsin has sued Lil Wayne while he's in jail.....WTF, really though?!? That's kind of a low blow from Jonsin.....he mustn't have the balls to do it when Wayne is free **I'm just sayin**
ABC and FOX aren't playing a specific Lane Bryant commercial.....they claimed it was too racy. If I'm not mistaken, don't we see busty women on TV all the time?? UGH, Americans and their double standards can go kick rocks!
Anywho, I think I'm dunzo for the time....if there's anything else I feel like ranting on about later, I just may do so!!
Oh yeah, it's about DAMN time Kate got voted of DWTS and Tim is gone from Idol!!
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