Saturday, November 24, 2012
Haven't been on in a while but I just wanted to provide a bit of an update!
Still single, but I have a new found appreciation for it. I know what I want, but it doesn't matter because i know that God is teaching me the importance of being patient. While I'm learning this gift, not only am I learning myself even more, but He's also helping me learn myself for the MAN He's preparing for me :)
I had the opportunity to participate in an event called RVA Feed the City the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving. Pretty much the event provided hot meals, clothes, person hygiene products, free haircuts and a number of other things to the homeless of Richmond, VA. There were over 1,100 people that were helped. That is such a large number, and if you would've been able to just SEE the families that were there, it made me feel extremely blesssed. That could've been my family and me out there standing in the cold to get all that was given.
But by the Grace of God, I was able to help others who are in that predicament. So many things have been shown to me recently, then I've had confirmation from people I haven't shared things with and I know it's the will of God that's allowing me to see these things.
Before, I wouldn't have had a clue as to what I'm being shown but now I do & I praise God for all that he's doing and is going to do for not only me but Myles as well :)
Still single, but I have a new found appreciation for it. I know what I want, but it doesn't matter because i know that God is teaching me the importance of being patient. While I'm learning this gift, not only am I learning myself even more, but He's also helping me learn myself for the MAN He's preparing for me :)
I had the opportunity to participate in an event called RVA Feed the City the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving. Pretty much the event provided hot meals, clothes, person hygiene products, free haircuts and a number of other things to the homeless of Richmond, VA. There were over 1,100 people that were helped. That is such a large number, and if you would've been able to just SEE the families that were there, it made me feel extremely blesssed. That could've been my family and me out there standing in the cold to get all that was given.
But by the Grace of God, I was able to help others who are in that predicament. So many things have been shown to me recently, then I've had confirmation from people I haven't shared things with and I know it's the will of God that's allowing me to see these things.
Before, I wouldn't have had a clue as to what I'm being shown but now I do & I praise God for all that he's doing and is going to do for not only me but Myles as well :)
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
shine bright like a diamond!!
wherever you go, whatever you do....
I have always been one to go against the grain. individual. unique. i dont care what THEY say type of chick.
what words would describe you?!?
I have always been one to go against the grain. individual. unique. i dont care what THEY say type of chick.
what words would describe you?!?
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
I've been in my garden apartment for almost a year. It's considered a basement apartment because the back is underground, making the only door my front door & our rooms don't have windows.
Back in the beginning of September, I had neighbors move in upstairs. Mind you, nobody had previously lived up there so it was always quiet. The day after the lady and her daughter moved up there, I was driving by her and i introduced myself. She did inform me that it's her and her daughter and they've never lived in a townhouse, and apologized for any extreme noise they had made while they were moving in and getting everything organized.
Well since September, the noises haven't stopped. I feel like they're still moving in but it's louder and all day and all night. I stayed home today with my sick son and literally every hour I heard booms, or stomps. I'm so annoyed, but I'm not the type of person to start any type of confrontation.
So I've decided that tomorrow, when I get home from work, I'll write a note and I'll put it in an envelope then slide it in their door. We have the mail slots on our doors luckily.
This is a small post, that I wanted to get off of my chest.
So yep, I'm done now :)
Back in the beginning of September, I had neighbors move in upstairs. Mind you, nobody had previously lived up there so it was always quiet. The day after the lady and her daughter moved up there, I was driving by her and i introduced myself. She did inform me that it's her and her daughter and they've never lived in a townhouse, and apologized for any extreme noise they had made while they were moving in and getting everything organized.
Well since September, the noises haven't stopped. I feel like they're still moving in but it's louder and all day and all night. I stayed home today with my sick son and literally every hour I heard booms, or stomps. I'm so annoyed, but I'm not the type of person to start any type of confrontation.
So I've decided that tomorrow, when I get home from work, I'll write a note and I'll put it in an envelope then slide it in their door. We have the mail slots on our doors luckily.
This is a small post, that I wanted to get off of my chest.
So yep, I'm done now :)
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
A Sin....is just that, a sin
My name is Lauren and I'm a sinner.
I have a 2 year old son and I had him out of wedlock, which has caused me to be a single mother.....do I have to deal with people looking down on me for the sin I've committed? NO!
Ever since Chic-fil-a's head honcho announced that they're anti-gay, I've been unhappy with the way that so many Christians have responded.
I hate the fact that many "religious" people who claim they have a relationship with God wants to be the first to cast the first stone and look down on gays. Where in the Bible does it say that being gay is the worst sin out of the MANY sins we as humans commit daily??
............................I'll wait, and once you find where it does, PLEASE contact me.............................
Exactly my point. Nowhere in the Bible does it state that.
In another country, I could be shunned for being a single mother, having tattoos on my body, piercings and not being married and deciding to raise my son alone.
The point I'm getting at. Those of us who identify ourselves as Christians need to HELP those that have strayed from the path of the righteous. Lead them in the right direction, lead them to salvation. These are the last days and the LAST thing we want/need as Christians is to have God let us know one of our purposes was to help someone come to him, and we failed. We want to hear "Well done my good & faithful servant", don't we?!
I know I do. Romans 3:23 says "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God".....NOBODY is perfect BUT Him.
Christian. Christ like. Would He turn somebody away or would He help them?
I just get so frustrated with the thought of people wanting/needing help, but nobody helps them.
I know I'm not perfect, but if I find the opportunity to minister to someone and invite them to church, believe me. I do so.
Put it in perspective....think of it this way:
You have a flat tire, you don't know how to change a tire. Phone is dead so you can't call AAA. You're not in your hometown so you don't know anybody. You're going to hope that someone comes along to help you or points you in the right direction so you can get everything fixed, correct??
That's what we need to do for those who are not as close to God as we are. Let our voices be heard. Minister. Invite them to church. Make them feel welcomed.
So many people wonder why Christianity is one of the few religions that people despise......overall I feel like we do more to push people away rather than HELPING, HEALING and CONSOLING the lost.
I'm stepping off of my soapbox now. Feel free to comment. The soapbox is now free.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
I don't really have anything to blog about but it's been a beautiful day outside & I'm happy I've been blessed to be able to see it!
Hope everyone has been able to get out & enjoy this awesome weather!
Hope everyone has been able to get out & enjoy this awesome weather!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
The past prepares you for the future....
....I think I'm beginning to figure it all out. I've always known the things of the past prepare you for the things that are going to occur in your future. I just don't like the waiting game. If I could just get a small peek into my future, I'd take the opportunity. Why? Because at the rate things are going, I truthfully have NO clue what my future holds.
25 (almost). single. single mom. never in a serious relationship.....i could go on & on but i'll stop there. I'm FOREVER grateful for all of my faults, out of them I've gained some blessings, like my bookie!! I wonder sometimes how things would've been if I would've moved out west & been a single mom out there?? God only knows :)
I just wanted to get that off of my chest. No complete thoughts are coming out tonight.
Peace & Blessings.
Besos. xo
25 (almost). single. single mom. never in a serious relationship.....i could go on & on but i'll stop there. I'm FOREVER grateful for all of my faults, out of them I've gained some blessings, like my bookie!! I wonder sometimes how things would've been if I would've moved out west & been a single mom out there?? God only knows :)
I just wanted to get that off of my chest. No complete thoughts are coming out tonight.
Peace & Blessings.
Besos. xo
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Terrible Two's?
I must say I've had my share of "terrible two' moments with Myles, but I've had SO many more laughs at this kid. He's wise beyond his years and I consider it a blessing to have him in my life.
He's so friggin smart it makes me chuckle how some of the things he does just goes beyond what I'd expect a 2 year old to know.
He's so friggin smart it makes me chuckle how some of the things he does just goes beyond what I'd expect a 2 year old to know.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Thursday, March 8, 2012
In no particular order, these are the random thoughts that are going through my mind right now:
- I gained 3 lbs from my last weigh in. #nobueno
- Tomorrow, I will be going grocery shopping & my kitchen will be filled with healthy eats & snacks. (I think I'm most excited about the fresh fruits & veggies, especially carrots & celery)
- The Lion King is sold out, that broke my heart. BUT i think I may go see Steve Harvey.
- Daniel isn't coming to town this weekend, all a big miscommunication
- Myles is still sick, has a dr's appt on Monday.
- Shana announced she got a new job & her last day is Tuesday. Of course this got everybody at work talking.
- I'm excited b/c tomorrow I may be getting a vacuum, finally.
- This title is called tomorrow, but I've talked about things in the future.
- Today was a GORGEOUS day outside.
- I'm pretty much booked for the next two weekends. Traveling and such. Which means I HAVE to get an oil change tomorrow.....DC on St Patty's Day & Raleigh the weekend after that.
- The Skeleton Key is on, I love this movie! Such a surprise ending :)
- Myles was sleep by 8:30, ME TIME!! *throws confetti*
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
bah humbug
Ever feel like in the blink of an eye EVERYTHING goes wrong??
....yeah, that's how I feel right now.
Myles is sick with pneumonia, gas light came on, stomach hurts. BLAH!
In the midst off all this noise, I'm still grateful to be alive.
BTW, I weighed myself today and I gained 3 lbs! #nobueno
I need to hit up the Y Friday to see about joining. I'm NOT playing.....
Anywho, I'm going to bed, hoping tomorrow will be A LOT better than today.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Tomorrow, a new journey begins
Beginning tomorrow, I will be on a weight loss journey for 8 weeks.
There is a contest going on at work, which begins tomorrow 3/5 and ends 4/28, if I'm not mistaken. There are 2 teams from my particular office that are participating. My team, the Waist Watchers, and the managers group.
There are a total of 9 of us on our team. All females, all of us feel as though we need to shed some pounds.
When I stepped on the scale Thursday, I realized I wasn't as much as I thought I was, but I could still benefit from losing almost 40 lbs. My weight, 236.8. I have no shame in telling how much I weigh because when the end of this is up, I'm going to tell you all my weight then and hopefully it'll be 200 or less.
I'm going to give up bread for the first week of this change, which will be my biggest struggle. I'll be joining a gym. Thinking about making it the Y because they have an area for kids. I know this will not only be beneficial for me but also for Myles as well. Even though he's only 2, there are times where I'll just allow him to have a happy meal from a fast food place and he's satisfied. No he's not one of these 2 year olds we see on talk shows that's 50-60 lbs, and I want it to stay that way.
I will admit, today I planned on being a super fat kid and just eating everything fattening in sight. It's 1:35 pm EST and what have I indulged in?? Hot tea with lemon and honey. Some fat kid I am huh?!?
Hopefully, this journey won't just be for 8 weeks, it'll be something that will allow me to continue, and joining the gym will be very beneficial as well. I'll be keeping a food journal and we have to weigh in every Tuesday with our weight. I'm really excited for this journey, but I do realize that a change is a MAJOR part of this. Not only change but self control and also the willpower to continue on and be a team player. NO cheating, NO slacking.
April 30, I will give you all my new weight. Hoping & praying I don't let myself down OR you all that actually take the time to read the blog!!
Happy Sunday!!
BTW, UNC beat Dukie by 18 points yesterday!! Hence my CAROLINA blue font color :)
lifestyle change,
weight loss,
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Did you know?
Have you heard of Austin Brown?
He's a new artist that I just fell in love with. He has out a song called Menage e trois....dance number. The thing is, he's in the Jackson family. But I didn't have a clue he was until I read his bio on his site! Such a fresh face, with a cute song :)
I love it!
P.S. Whitney Houston's funeral was today and it was absolutely THE best homegoing service for anyone I've seen televised my entire life. I'm positive some souls were saved today......
He's a new artist that I just fell in love with. He has out a song called Menage e trois....dance number. The thing is, he's in the Jackson family. But I didn't have a clue he was until I read his bio on his site! Such a fresh face, with a cute song :)
I love it!
P.S. Whitney Houston's funeral was today and it was absolutely THE best homegoing service for anyone I've seen televised my entire life. I'm positive some souls were saved today......
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
The L Word
8 letters.
1 meaning.
2 hearts.
i. love. you.
what do you do when the words you've been waiting to hear are told to you,
....but you didn't respond at all how you'd planned?
Got a Valentine's day card today, a day late, but nonetheless a card that I wasn't expecting.
Definitely wasn't expecting to read WHAT was in the card.
Guess I should give a little history...
This guy, I've been dealing with him for what seems like an eternity. I've tried numerous times to walk away, but something keeps pulling me back. It's been almost two years of dealing with him & this thing we have. Never a relationship, lots of talks of being in one. I'd never asked a guy to be my boyfriend, it got to that point. He broke that virginity of mine, matter of fact I've asked a few times. I've been declined each one. He's almost 30, I'm almost 25. I love him and I'm in love with him....until today I never knew he felt the same way.
Which leads me back to the card.
Handwritten in black ink was the following:
We have been on this "road" a long time, and its bout time we change that. The time will come when we are one, but until then, continue being the Lo I fell in love with.
After reading this NUMEROUS times, here are a few things my wandering mind has conjured up:
- 1. He admitted he's in love with me, finally
- 2. Why does he say "its about time we change that" only to immediately say "the time will come when we are one"??
- 3. How much longer am I expected to wait? An eternity is a mighty long time
- 4. Why be so cliche and wait until this time of the year to express feelings
- 5. Kudos for opening up, b/c he NEVER does
- 6. How will this confession change "us"?
Now these are just a few of the millions of things running across my mind. I sent him a text thanking him for the card. I followed that text with another that simply said: "you do know I over analyze, right?"....his response, a simple "yes".
So the way the confession was worded was intentional? Was the intention to open a can of worms to get my mind wondering? In due time, these questions will be answered.
UNC is playing right now, so I dare not call ;) (go heels!)
I intentionally thought the day he told me he was in love with me, I'd cry or be in total shock. But my response was "cute". He already knows I love him. No doubts at all. I see myself with him, I'm sure that's mutual. I understand I can't rush life or the way things play out. But I do know that everything happens for a reason. I've stuck around this long, so why throw in the towel now? I hate the comfortable stage aka gray area, but that's just where it is right now. I try to change that, but after a while when you keep pushing the door open and it gets closed in your face, you just wait for the person on the other end to open up.....or you walk away. I'm just waiting for the door to open all the way. This card was the crack. I really do love him, and I'm genuinely in love with him as well. But what's love got to do with it?!?
But I'll end this blog the same way I started it......
8 letters.
1 meaning.
2 hearts.
i. love. you.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day
IF you have a valentine or not, Jesus loves you :) Be happy you're able to read this....
I'm anti V-Day, I have my reasons. So I'm going to give some happy V-Day stuff followed by a funny song :)
I'm anti V-Day, I have my reasons. So I'm going to give some happy V-Day stuff followed by a funny song :)
Miss Otis Regrets.....click here :)
Friday, February 10, 2012
Even though we know how much money we make, I'm excited that I have funds left over to do a little bit of "me" stuff with.....I paid all of my bills, and there is still an ample amount of funds in my account.
Yes, at this point in my life I'm a single mom that lives paycheck to paycheck, with hardly any help from my son's father. But that's what makes me even stronger. Knowing I'm able to provide for him without too much help (from my mom)....
The God I know is pretty awesome :) Happy Friday folks!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Monday, February 6, 2012
OhMyLanta!---this is from 2010

SoD:: Let it Snow--Boys II Men (since it did snow today, that's the least Ican do. Snow and I aren't friends, so yeah)
So i'm really pissed that I'd written a long ass blog and my desktop just deleted it.....like really though?!? Fkin technology, after all I'd typed, there isn't even a way to get it back. Go fkin figure.....
So I'll just give you the short version instead::
- Dad had a heartattack. Can't work anymore, in dialysis
- Mom is the same
- Mama, me & Mo are planning on taking a cruise in october/november of 2011
- Myles will be 1 on 1/15/11, so I'm planning his party
- He will be with his dad for Christmas
- I'm trying to figure out if I'm going to DC or if Mo is coming here for NYE.
- I found a bangin ass dress that I"m planning on wearing for NYE as well!
- I got a job *finally & thank God*
I dont remember what else I'd said but yea, y'all be good now!
besos. xo
what is love??
As defined on Wikipedia:
Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment
Love is also a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection; and "the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another"
Definition from Merriam-Webster:
(1) : strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties (2) : attraction based on sexual desire : affection and tenderness felt by lovers (3) : affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests
As it nears Valentine's Day, and me being almost 25 years old, I'm starting to believe love is a privilege. You can't just love anybody. There has to be a special bond, a connection. I also know there is a difference between loving someone and being IN love.
I'm IN love with my son. I love my life. I will one day be IN love with a man. I love men.....I'm IN love with God.....get the picture?!? I often wonder what makes someone fall IN love, rather than just loving somebody. I've had men tell me they love me....but never been IN love with me. It's aggravating to hear that over and over again.
At the end of the day though, I realize God has it all under control. So as annoyed as I may get, I realize in due time everything will be under control :)
So tell me, what's your definition of love??
life as we know it.....
Never Take it for granted. Most of the pix were taken from a chick who killed herself. When somebody cries out for help, why do we turn a cold shoulder??
When somebody commits suicide, as a believer of Christ, I know they aren't going to Heaven. One of the 10 Commandments is "thou shall not kill".....
Think about it.
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